• Routing # 253279031
  • AllSouth Makes a Difference

    We strive to make a difference in our community by serving and giving back to those in need. Through our volunteer program, our team members receive paid time to volunteer throughout the year.

    The volunteer events offer opportunities for us to support local non-profit organizations that align with our efforts of supporting the military, homelessness and hunger issues, and aiding with family crisis. (Check out our Community Giving page to learn about all the ways we give back.) 

    A team of 24 employees recently spent a day providing a combined 36 hours of service for Senior Resources (better known as Meals on Wheels) at three locations throughout Richland County. Senior Resources is a non-profit organization that coordinates services, provides resources, and encourages the personal choices that allow senior citizens to remain independent. Their services touch the lives of more than 4,000 Midlands' residents, with over 1,000 seniors served by Meals on Wheels and 160,476 meals delivered in 2018.  Their organization relies on volunteers to help serve seniors in our community. Want to get involved? There are many ways to help from packing a meal to making a phone call. 

    AllSouth Team Serves Meals

    Our team put on their serving hats and aprons, packaging 360 meals that were delivered later that morning to senior citizens in the community.  The meals were for Meals on Wheels, a program of Senior Resources. Meals on Wheels recipients are the elderly and disabled adults in our community who cannot maintain an adequate, healthy diet, either because of transportation or financial constraints.  

    "This was the first time we had volunteers from one organization available to serve and package meals at all three locations. We were so happy to have the AllSouth team," said the volunteer coordinator at Senior Resources.  

    We were happy to contribute. We get a lot of joy out of serving others and making a difference. “It was such a humbling and fulfilling experience. Starting my day off serving the community makes my heart so full.  It doesn’t take much to show others that you care,” said Jessica, an AllSouth team member who volunteered. In addition to serving the community, we enjoy coming together and working with other team members we may not interact with on a regular workday. Martha, another AllSouth team member, said of her time volunteering, “working with different employees outside of work is always a great team-building experience. AllSouth has many skilled individuals who work tirelessly in and outside the office.”

    AllSouth Team

    We believe our volunteer program has made a difference in the community and with our team. We look forward to more opportunities to serve and help others in our community. 

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