Join Us to Help "Take a Bite out of Hunger"

Written by AllSouth Federal Credit Union | August 2, 2021 at 5:00 PM

As the world slowly starts to open up and the economy begins to recover, food insecurity continues to be a major issue facing the Midlands. According to Harvest Hope, one in six South Carolinians struggles with food insecurity and hunger. To help meet this growing need, we are hosting a food drive to help "Take a Bite out of Hunger." The food drive will begin Monday, August 9, 2021, and continues through Friday, August 20, 2021.

We invite you to join us to help “Take a Bite out of Hunger” by making a donation at an AllSouth location near you. All 22 of our locations around the Midlands will be accepting donations. During the food drive, we will be accepting the following much-needed items:

  • Non-perishable food items: rice, pasta, beans (canned and dry), canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned meats, canned beans, canned meals (like Chef Boyardee or beef stew), macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, jelly (no glass jars, please), cereal, Ramen noodles, snacks, and more.
  • Baby supplies: diapers, wipes, formula, foods (no glass jars, please), and more.

Monetary donations are welcomed and will be accepted at any of our locations. You may also make a donation online.

At AllSouth, we are committed to addressing the needs facing our communities. We are dedicated to support and give back to help improve the quality of life for the communities we proudly serve. Through our volunteer efforts and financial contributions, we support local organizations, causes, and charities that reflect our shared values of giving to those suffering from hunger, homelessness, family crisis, and supporting our military in the counties we serve.

Together, we can and will make a difference. To learn more about our community efforts, visit our Community Giving page.