Answering the Call, AllSouth AllStar, Trinity

Written by AllSouth Federal Credit Union | October 27, 2021 at 2:06 PM

This month’s featured AllSouth AllStar, Trinity, embodies what it means to be a servant leader and true team player. After serving in the US Army for ten years, she gained valuable skills that have helped lead to her success at AllSouth. 

Trinity knows a thing or two about the importance of discipline, hard work, service, and team collaboration. She attributes her success to being efficient, productive, and sticking to her motto, “part of the mission,” which means setting a goal, staying focused, and doing the work. Trinity gives 110% to serve our members and team members every day. These are the qualities that make Trinity our featured AllSouth AllStar.

Trinity is the team lead supervisor for our call center, which we refer to as Member Answer Center (MAC). Our MAC representatives are the voice of the credit union and work with our members to solve account related problems by answering questions about our products and services. Trinity, and our other MAC representatives, have a job that requires excellent multitasking skills. On any given day, you’ll find Trinity assisting her team with answering calls, especially when there’s a high call volume in the Member Answer Center. Their goal is to ensure our members' needs are being met quickly and efficiently during that call. This is a part of the job she loves, helping our members solve problems or concerns they may have. Her top priority is ensuring the member always feels that they are being heard. “It’s easy for me to help others and go the extra mile because I treat people how I want to be treated,” said Trinity.

Trinity has been a part of our team for 5 years. Before being promoted to team lead, she first started as a Member Answer Center representative. In her current role, Trinity is primarily responsible for training new team members, and she occasionally assists our training department with training new hires. Trinity also manages her team to ensure they provide the best customer service to our members.

There’s never a dull moment in the Member Answer Center. On average, our MAC team receives 1,100 calls a day. Yet, our team is always ready and prepared to serve our members, from helping with a problem on their account to answering a simple question. Trinity has helped many members throughout the years and has many exciting stories about her impact with our members.

Trinity shared with us a call she received a few months ago from a member about Mobile Banking and Overdraft Privilege*. The member was having trouble logging into Mobile Banking, and had questions about Overdraft Privilege. Trinity took the time to listen to her concerns and immediately knew how to resolve the issue with Mobile Banking. Trinity advised her to check the updates on her phone, and it was discovered that the Mobile Banking App the member had installed on their phone wasn’t the most up-to-date version. Trinity walked the member through the process step-by-step until the app was updated on her mobile device, and the member was able to log in to Online Banking. Trinity was also able to help the member with her Overdraft Privilege by clearly explaining the process and options of our Overdraft Services.


What our members have to say about Trinity...
“I’m not sure what branch Trinity works at, but she’s the best customer service rep. Very helpful and fast. Best banking experience!” – Taylor, AllSouth Member


Trinity not only goes the extra mile for our members, but she also does the same for her team. She enjoys and loves being around people, especially her team, and it shows. “Trinity is energetic, helpful, funny, and goes above and beyond everything that she does,” said Jackie, a MAC team member. Trinity considers them to be like family. Her team members call her the “morale booster.”

Trinity truly believes that everyone should be celebrated, and she works hard to create an atmosphere that energizes and excites her team. “Trinity is loving, enthusiastic, bubbly, and kind,” said Sha, a MAC team member. Trinity is the first one to celebrate any occasion including birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, and holidays. She cares about her team and is always happy to find ways to brighten their workdays. "Trinity goes above and beyond the call of duty each day. She’s a joy to work with and keeps her team members smiling. She always provides a positive attitude and encouragement every day to the people she interacts with,” said Devra, her supervisor.

Besides having a great attitude, serving our members, and being a pleasure to work with, it’s also important to Trinity that our members have the tools they need to help them reach their financial goals. Whenever there’s an opportunity to share financial information with members, she gladly does so because she understands the importance of building a solid financial foundation that leads to financial freedom. The best advice she would give anyone would be to create a budget and stick to it and save your money. This is the same advice she and her husband live by, and it has afforded them the opportunity to “live our best lives and travel because of our budget,” said Trinity.

Trinity is well respected throughout the Credit Union, by our members and team members alike. We’re happy to have her as part of the AllSouth team.

When Trinity is not working, you may find her at the movies. She loves going to the movies, and she treats herself to a movie every Sunday (That’s right, every Sunday). She also loves to cook, shop, spends time with her friends and family, and travel. Trinity’s favorite place to visit was Paris while stationed in Europe for four years. She is currently planning a trip to Africa in the summer of 2025.



* For more details on overdraft services visit our overdraft services page. When an account has insufficient funds, a fee is charged for every non-sufficient fund item presented, whether the item is paid or returned. Eligibility for Overdraft Privilege is based on criteria established by AllSouth. These criteria may be revised from time-to-time by us without notice to you. We will continually evaluate your account activity based on this criteria to determine whether we are able to continue to honor items that may cause an overdraft situation on your account. The Overdraft Privilege discretionary service is automatically applied to qualifying accounts. If you prefer that AllSouth not honor any items when there are not enough available funds in your account, you or another account owner may opt-out of the Overdraft Privilege discretionary service by contacting AllSouth and expressing this preference. You are fully aware that without this discretionary service or some other form of overdraft protection (such as the Overdraft Transfer from your Savings Account or Overdraft Transfer from Line of Credit services), any items presented that overdraft the account may be returned unpaid with the applicable non-sufficient fund fee charged to the account for each item presented. The Consumer Membership Agreement prescribes the duties, obligations, and rights of the account owner, as well as the authorized signers and AllSouth with regard to the account.